Tech Billionaire NAILS Dem Senator’s Gun Statements


The political left has become more and more bold over the last few years under the Biden-Harris administration. Why wouldn’t they? After all, both Biden and Harris have been pushing leftist policies as fervently and intently as a starving dog goes after a steak.

Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Push the nation off of a cliff if possible. That seems to have been their internal motto at the White House under this administration.

And make no mistake about it, there would be more of the same and worse under a Harris-Walz administration.


Do you doubt that? Then, I would recommend paying attention to all of the left-leaning members of Congress who march in lock step with every leftist idea pushed by Kamala Harris or Tim Walz.

A perfect example is Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. Anyone who has paid attention to Warnock knows that he hasn’t met a leftist ideal that he doesn’t want to push forward at max speed. From The BlazeTV Staff:

“Should [Harris] also be, in your opinion, supporting a mandatory gun buyback program?” [Meet The Press‘s Kristen] Welker asked.

“Listen, we’re not going to be able to get where we need to go without action in Congress. We’ve got to pass some laws to deal with this,” Warnock responded, confirming that yes, he believes Congress should do away with the Second Amendment and force citizens to relinquish their arms.

One tech billionaire, though, had some critical thoughts about Warnock’s comments. Elon Musk tweeted:

The right to bear arms is there to protect free speech and stop a tyrannical government from taking your rights away!

That’s why the first thing that all tyrants do is disarm the people, just like Chavez did when he was first elected. After that, no more real elections in Venezuela.

Musk is absolutely right. That’s exactly why the Second Amendment was put into place: To prevent tyranny.

And that’s exactly why people like Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Raphael Warnock want to take your guns away from you.



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