If An Armed Society Is A Polite Society… These Are The Most Polite States


There’s a saying that goes, “An armed society is a polite society,” and there’s a definite logic to that. After all, if you don’t know who is armed and you suspect that anyone and everyone actually could be (maybe even probably is) armed, wouldn’t you keep your obnoxious replies to yourself? Wouldn’t you restrain yourself from yelling at other people instead of trying to calmly and peacefully workout any disagreements and problems?

Of course you would, and that is actually the way things work.

For example, there is a story that self-protection trainer Tim Larkin tells about a guy who was a strength training coach for police departments. When that coach would go to a new city to train the police, he would ask where the gym is that all of the convicts go to. Why? Because that is where he wanted to train.


Now, many people would think that is crazy because they would assume that the gym with all of the convicts would be full of rude people and all kinds of problems. On the contrary, though, this coach wanted to train at those gyms because everyone there was more polite than the gyms in the “safe” areas of town. See, at the gym where the convicts are, they all know that literally everyone around them is dangerous, so, they’re polite to everyone. They aren’t looking for a fight. They just want to work out.

On the flip side, the gyms in the “safe” part of town are the gyms where people felt safe being rude and disrespectful to people because the feel secure that no one is going to punch them or kill them for having a smart mouth. And so, many more people are rude in those gyms.

And it’s the same way in the whole of society. When people realize how dangerous the world really is, they learn to restrain themselves and treat everyone with courtesy. It’s pretty basic human nature and human relations if you think about it.

So, if an armed society is a polite society, I am reasoning that states with a higher percentage of the adult population that have concealed carry permits will tend to be safer. And our friends over at John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center are let us know which states have the highest percentage of the population that are legal concealed carry permit holders. The states with the highest percentage of the population that are concealed carry permit holders are Alabama, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Colorado, all with over 15% of the adult populations in those states having concealed carry Permits. (It should be a higher percentage, in my opinion.)

The states with 10-15% of the adult populations having concealed carry Permits are Washington (state, not D.C.), Utah, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

It’s no surprise that most of the states in the southeast U.S. have over 10% of the adults with concealed carry permits.

Presumably, the states listed above are the most polite states.

And the states that are the most rude (based on having the lowest percentage of the adult population with concealed carry permits) are, not surprisingly, mostly states that have serious crime problems. Those states with under 2% of the adult populations who have a concealed carry permit are California, New York, New Jersey, and Maine.

No real surprises there.

And based on this data, if you live in one of the four states with the lowest permit percentage, I’d recommend moving to states with the highest permit percentage as soon as possible.

Because life is too short to have to keep dealing with rude people.



    • Yeah, constitutional carry plays havoc with measuring people who carry by looking at permits. I live in TN, which has constitutional carry, but a *lot* of people still get permits because the “enhanced” permit allows open carry — which takes care of the “printing” issue. It also means you can carry in all the surrounding states because of reciprocity. Also, in TN you can get an “lifetime” enhanced permit, which never has to be renewed. Accordingly, a *lot* of people in TN go ahead and get the enhanced permit, even though it’s really not necessary. Still, there’s a lot more people carrying than would be expected from looking just at permits.

  1. People need to figure out that it’s not just the 2A under attack, but the authority to legislate one of the 2A is authority to legislate any/all of the Bill of Rights.
    Would you like to surrender your right to a trial by jury, if they can legislate the 2A, they can legislate that right away as well.

    Speaking of which, know why we have that right of a trial by Jury, it’s so govenment can’t pass/enforce any law they chose that the citizens object too, if a jury refuse to find them guilty, the law is in effect “NULLIFIED”.
    These “Gun Clubs” are always asking for money, if they were instead informing people of this and insisting “EVERY COURT” inform the jury of this right, regardless of the case, I think these gun laws woulds soon become toilet paper.
    Miranda Vs Arizona requires rights be read to citizens, why shouldn’t that apply to court case as well??
    This was suggested before, but Government it’s self said, half of “ALL” cases would fail,

    so yes it would work, and to keep hidden a power citizens has over government is a crime in it’s self.

    I THINK.

  2. Alabama is a Constitutional carry state. It is also an open carry state. This means you do not have to have a permit to carry a gun concealed or out in the open. So there really is no way to know how many people are armed but you can bet it is way higher than 15%. The 15% are those people who regularly visit other states that are not constitutional carry states.

  3. NH has no permit requirement and most people are armed. NH is the number one safest state and most people are polite, even those who look like they would be rude are not.

    • I will verify your comment. New Hampshire is number one, and probably the “most free country on Earth” (yes, I know it is a state). The strange thing is that this doesn’t carry over to election politics very well. So, because of the continuing influx of numbskulls and other assorted political morons, that rank is at continual risk.

  4. Maine is a no-permit concealed carry state – and open carry as well. Permits are only needed for certain limited locations (e.g. state parks). Everyone I know owns.

    • Thank you. Saved me the trouble.
      Mainers are polite enough, for Yankees. Of course, tourists are a different story, but not so much if you open carry.


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