What Americans REALLY Think Will Reduce Crime


Over the last several years, we’ve heard proclamations from those on the political left about what will reduce crime. And they’re pretty passionate about the policies that they think should be implemented for that purpose.

You know, things like ending cash bail so that more and more people arrested for crimes don’t have to pay anything to get out of jail until their trial. Or things like reducing the number of police (and sometimes hiring more social workers). Or things like simply refusing to prosecute certain crimes. Or banning guns.

And the legacy mainstream media just eats it up and spews out the same talking points.


But the American people, apparently, aren’t buying it. In fact, they have some very different viewpoints on what will decrease crime. The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) writes,

The CPRC commissioned a new survey by McLaughlin & Associates of 1,000 general election American voters. Despite all the claims about support for gun control, only 19% of voters think passing more gun control will reduce crime, slightly more (21%) think stricter enforcement of existing gun control. Taken together that means 40% of voters think that gun control has something to do with reducing crime. Normally surveys only give voters those two options. But voters think arresting criminals and keeping them in jail is much more important with 54% of voters taking that stand.

Imagine that. Locking criminals up is more important for reducing crime than gun control.

Now, if you’re wondering why so many polls that the legacy mainstream media quotes don’t give you that information, the CPRC has the answer to that question, too.

The bias with the existing surveys, which limit answers to more gun control or enforcing gun control, is that they make it seem that the only options for reducing crime involve gun control.

In other words, other surveys don’t give people the option of saying “Lock up the criminals and keep them off of the streets!” so, of course, they give an answer that the anti-2A zealots want.

He who asks the questions controls the conversation.

So, don’t be fooled by people pushing gun control spouting results from faulty surveys. They’re only giving you data from surveys that they were able to get the answers from that they wanted for supporting their gun control agenda.

But I’ve come to expect that kind of dishonesty to be used to push gun control. After all, the facts don’t support anti-2A policies.



    • reduce crime, by putting ALL criminals, in the middle of the ocean, naked. The sharks would be much happier too. Shark deserve love, thugs don’t.

      • That’s not true.
        I used to be a criminal several years ago.
        Most of the time I never got caught.
        After I was fought.
        The judge gave me an option.
        Several years in prison or a recovery program.
        I chose to change my life.
        Now I enjoy helping others.
        So the moral of the story.
        All criminals are not really bad people.
        However some people don’t want to change because they believe the criminal life is too easy.
        Happy New Year

  1. I’ll never understand how an increase in gun control will ever result in lower gun related crimes. The ONLY way it could work is to ban guns and forcibly search the homes and belongings of everyone in the country. FAT CHANCE when your president commutes the sentences of convicted death row inmates!

    • NOT MINE, YOUS, THINK BOUT THIS WAY. biden, obama want to disarm americans so islam has thier auto’s, americans have notta, so we can’s protect ourselves, WRONG! if ours GO SO DO ONE’S WHO PROTECT biden obama, others with guns, no not gonna work that avenue, ours go so do the so-called lawmakers. No more law makers than this stupid puter is, MAIN REASON THEY WANT TO BE IN so called dc is so they in place to laundry STEAL MONIES FROM BIDENS’ BUDGET, HOW U THINK HE CAN PURCHASE 3-4 MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE, ONLY UNO WAY – FROM WORKING FOLKS AS THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE. THEY ARE TOO SORRY TO WORK HONEST DAY HONEST POSITION WITH HONEST COMPANY. THEY ALL LIE LOOK AT ALL demos, lair lair pants of FIRE. STAY STRONG AMERICANS , WALK WITH (JESUS CHRIST)! ALL LYEING demos are gonna ANSWER TO THE ONE & ONLY (TRUE GOD) FOR ALL THEIR SATAN DOINGS, WON’ST BE LONG.

  2. First, locking up criminals is a good start.

    Second, criminals that are locked up need to be physically separated from one another. No prison gangs.

    Third, street gangs need to be destroyed. Lock up their members, pursue them relentlessly.

    • There is NO constitutional amendment that states that oxygen cannot be “infringed” upon to our public servants (judges, politicians) that took an oath to We the People. What say, we cut it back, to about half of what they need? See IF that works….

  3. Gun control has nothing to do with reducing crime. About 92% of the mass shootings take place in gun-free zones that were created by senator joe biden-notice-no caps-deliberate.

  4. Add in a mandatory 10 year sentence for using a firearm in the commission of a crime to be stacked on top of any sentence for the underlying crime.

  5. Any person convicted of using a firearm during the commission of a crime should receive a mandatory sentence of 12 months of flogging 5 days a week. If the crime was any form of murder or manslaughter the mandatory sentence of death to be carried out within 6 months of sentence. Broadcasted on all TV channels. That would stop crime real fast


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