What If You CAN’T Carry Your Gun?


If we lived in a sane, rational world, we would live in a world where you would be able to carry a firearm on you at all times.

For those who disagree with the previous statement, consider that an armed society is a polite society. Why? Because in an armed society, those who would have a tendency to initiate violence are more likely to show self-restraint because anyone and, potentially, everyone around them can inflict injury back to them.

The way that you get a bully to stop being a bully is to make it clear that they won’t walk away from a violent incident unscathed. That’s true whether you’re talking about how your kid has to handle a schoolyard fight or whether you’re talking about an adult bully that you have to deal with on the street. The bully backs down if they really believe that they may not win.


No sane, rational person wants violence. But the sane and rational in a society prepare for the possibility because there are some people who do want violence. But they won’t start that fight if they think that they may suffer as a side effect of doing violence.

So, I’ll say it again, “An armed society is a polite society.”

Still, even with that being the case, we live in a society in which irrational people think that it’s a good idea to ban guns in certain areas. Since legal gun owners tend to be law-abiding people, you may find from time to time that you are in a situation where you aren’t able to carry your firearm. What do you do then?

Carter from Patriot Training Center goes over this exact type of situation in the video below.

Did you watch the video? If not, go back and watch it, now. It’s only two and a half minutes (no, it’s literally two minutes and 30 seconds) with good practical information.

If you can carry, you should carry. But in those rare incidents when you can’t carry, follow Carter’s advice to keep you and your family safe.

And to make sure that you’re as prepared as possible when you are carrying, check out our full 30-day dryfire program here for free: http://freedryfire.com/YT ← only takes 10-minutes per day!



  1. The city where all the pedestrians were ran over is a sad thing, but someone with a pistol could have at least slowed him down. That person who was a responsible citizen could have sent some rounds into the speeding car and hopefully hit the driver.


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