Why Are We Suddenly Hearing About Violence From 1 Group?


In the recent Nashville school shooting, several details have come out about both the shooting itself and about the shooter. Some details, though, seem to have been quickly covered up. For example, unlike manifestos posted by other mass shooters, the Nashville shooter’s manifesto hasn’t been released. No explanation why.

There are other details, though, that the media has rushed to keep under wraps, specifically, the gender of the shooter. In the case of the Nashville shooter, they were a transgender man (biological female identifying as male). But, like mass shooters who were of an ethnic minority, that detail is brushed under the rug by the mainstream legacy media. And you have to wonder why that is a consistent pattern.

Another almost shooting raises questions, too, though, it’s doubtful that the mainstream legacy media will ask those questions. Katabella Roberts writes,


Charges have been filed against a man who identifies as a woman after he allegedly planned to carry out mass shooting attacks on multiple schools in Colorado Springs, the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office announced.

William Whitworth, 19, was charged on April 6 following an investigation into threats involving the schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20, officials said.

Whitworth, who told police he identifies as “Lilly,” has been charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, one count of criminal mischief, one count of menacing, and one count of interference with staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions.

Thankfully, this person was stopped before they did the horrible deed. But a second transgender individual in such a short period of time (less than two weeks after the Nashville school shooting) confronted by law enforcement for a mass shooting (or, in this case, for planning a mass shooting). That’s pretty unusual.

Are there underlying factors causing members of this group of people to have started to plan and carry out violence against innocent people?

I don’t have the answer for that, and I sincerely hope that these are the only two people caught up in violent intentions. But, considering that many people in that community are also caught up in radical left-wing political ideologies, it could be that we’re seeing the natural fruit of those political ideologies (which often advocate for violence and terrorism to push their political agendas).

Whatever the reason, we need to remember that a shooter is responsible for their own actions, not the group of people that they’re a member of, and we need to act accordingly, not going after those who are non-violent.

And because left-wing violence is still a very real problem, especially in large cities, we would be wise to train and carry our legally-owned firearms on our person every day, too, in order to save lives if we find ourselves in the middle of one of those awful situations.



  1. These transgender persons will most likely have a mental health issue that has either been hidden or undiagnosed yet. Mental health should be a criterion to validate whether the person attempting to purchase weapons has any issues that would preclude the person to harming others with the weapon. A phycological test should be given at drivers license offices and results filed with the drivers license database. A flag on the DL would prevent the person from purchasing. And it would be an alert to the parents and law enforcement to monitor the individual more closely. Parents MUST be involved more with their children al the way to their 30’s as these perps committing these crimes are in this age group.

    • The Nashville shooter did not go to the first place because they were armed which leads me to think that the only mental problem they have is that of a victim lashing out at what they think made them victims …
      If they were armed Nashville would not have been that bad …

  2. “we need to remember that a shooter is responsible for their own actions, not the group of people that they’re a member of” – so why does it even matter what they “identify as”? By the time a report gets into “identify” and gender specific pronouns where I don’t understand whether they’re referring to biological gender or assumed gender, whether reference to “he” is reference to a female acting out a male identity or whether the “he” is actually a male despite acting out a female identity. I guess I just confuse easily.

    • Take a lesson from muslimes and tall buildings. Lets start giving these perverts flying lessons!

  3. That would work “On Paper”, not in real life.
    These people could go to any hardware store, buy a hammer, and small bolt cutters. Watch a police car until officer(s) go into a business (bathroom, or restaurant), take the hammer, break the window, use the bolt cutters, swipe all the firearms in the car and trunk, along with the ammo.
    These people are committed to do harm, the only way to midi gate such, is to do away with “Gun Free Zones”, and allow citizens to carry everywhere with them. My wife and myself have had to use firearms multiple times to defend ourselves and our family…not at home, but out and about.

  4. These are becoming the new ANTIFA protected by Democrats to become the new para military force for Democrats and Joe Biden.

  5. Some of these transgendered people have formed a church and they have decided that because they can change their gender with chemicals and harmones and surgery they are Gods, each and every one of them. I have no way of knowing if heshe was a member or not, but I have heard the broadcasts on shortwave and and saw a very short (about 15 to 20 seconds) of one of them preaching to a group that they were Gods and every one of us was a second class animal. The broadcasts are more of the same. If they can get their way we will all be slaves and the unneeded will be up for killing for food or sport. This is real. I have not owned guns in 30+ years. That has changed. I have several guns now. They will be made available to my family should the need arise. I only need 2 calibers of ammo one for the handguns and one for the rifles.
    The children 10 and over will become expert shooters ALL adults will become expert shooters. the children under 10 will be taught to load or reload magazines. All purchases from now on will be ammo and magazines. That is until O’Biden makes it impossible.

  6. Again, here we go again debating the Individual. Race, Transgender, religion or whatever else you want to throw into the conversation, not withstanding. Its not the weapon, type, style or whatever else it’s original construction was intended for. The person, not the weapon is at fault. The use of a weapon or possession of a weapon by a prohibited person should be BE MANDATORY prosecution and MANDATORY minimum Prison sentencing. No Mr. Devine, the DMV will not ever employ your suggestion, that’s too liberal. I suggest the HIPAA regulations be amended to allow background checks to access that information regarding Mental Health entries. As it is now, only an attending Physician can access that information. Lets be perfectly clear here. The responsibility is that of the individual, nothing else!

  7. The transgender movement has little to nothing to do with human rights or persecution. It is a protected class because it aligns with the globalists wish to weaken all national and ethnic identities. The goal is a world government, greatly reduced reproductive capacity and a confused conflicted populace. Protect your children, push for school choice.

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