This Pistol Is Ideal for Concealed Carry and Dead-Accurate – But You’ve Probably Never Heard of It


Finding the right pistol for you is the number one factor in successful concealed carry. You can tweak your setup all you like, but if you’re not carrying the right handgun it’ll all be for naught.

Having said that, some guns are better suited to concealed carry than others. Size, weight, and ease of firing are all important things to consider, and it can be difficult to find a gun that meets all your needs.

By the same token, some guns are ideal for concealed carry. From grip to tip, they dominate the concealed carry market.


You’ve probably already got a few in mind right now.

What you don’t have in mind, however, is this awesome concealed carry handgun that practically nobody knows about.

It’s the Steyr S9-A1, and Off the Grid News just published a fantastic write-up on it. Check it out below:

One of my favorite carry pieces is a little known Austrian-made pistol: the Steyr S9-A1. On the surface it looks like a typical polymer framed, striker-fired pistol. But its utility is deeper than this.

Most people know of Steyr for their iconic AUG rifles. These futuristic bullpup rifles have been around for over three decades and represented innovations for rifle manufacture and deployment.

The S9-A1 pistol is no different.

Like the majority of polymer-framed striker-fired pistols, there are no external safeties or de-cocking mechanisms. This is not new, in and of itself. These types of pistols have proven themselves time and time again.

Where the Steyr starts to depart from the rest of the pack is in its trigger.

Wilhelm Bubits, who was the brain behind the Glock 20, developed this trigger. It is a two-piece type that is preset to a crisp-and-clean four pounds, and rearward movement is more reminiscent of a 1911 style pistol. A very short reset allows the shooter to make quicker follow-up shots.

Another key difference is the unique trapezoidal-type sights. Instead of traditional “three dots,” the Steyr S9-A1 makes use of a triangular front sight that reminds us of the reticle on our Trijicon ACOG. Diagonal lines cut into the rear sight allow the shooter to bring the sights to alignment and seem to allow the eye to capture this sight picture readily.

Some shooters have a hard time adapting to this sight picture, and that can be remedied by replacing them with traditional three-dot sights with tritium inserts.

My main reason for loving this pistol is the Steyr S9-A1’s superb-grip angle. Cut high into the frame, the shooter can easily maintain a grip which is close to the axis of the bore. I find it to be the most perfect grip design on any polymer-framed handgun, and think it needs no “grip reduction,” texturing or interchangeable back straps.

There is a short accessory rail on the frame to attach a visible white light or laser.

The magazines are masterpieces of construction, but this is one of the pistol’s shortcomings in my view. They are easily capable of holding 12 or 13 rounds, yet they are blocked off to hold only 10 rounds. They resemble circa 1994-2004 restricted capacity magazines and probably help sales in states with restrictive bans on magazine capacity, but I would like to see true factory magazines that are unrestricted.

Fortunately, magazines for the full-size M9 and L9 series will fit in the pistol, although they protrude from the bottom of the frame an inch or so.

Unlike other polymer-framed striker-fired pistols on the market, there are very few aftermarket accessories for the S9-A1. Part of the reason is that the pistols are just about perfect out of the box; the other is that it is not a well-known firearm.
The holster makers are getting better at producing holsters for the Steyr pistols, though. I went with a custom Kydex rig through L.A.G. Tactical of Reno, Nevada.

My main reason above all these for going with the Steyr is its accuracy. I regularly achieve sub-two-inch groups at distances of 50 feet with my Steyr. It replaced my H&K P7M8 for carry based on this alone.

They can be tough to find, but MSRP is less than $500, and every now and then you can find them on sale.

Caliber: 9mm

Weight: 26 ounces

Overall length: 6.7 inches

Barrel length: 3.6 inches

MSRP: $469

Had you heard of this gun before? What’s your opinion of it?

Tell us what you think in the comments.



  1. This is new news to me-gotta check it out to see if it’s better than my Bersa Thunder for CC.

    • Keep the Bersa Thunder. Especially if it is the sub compact model! I own one in .45 acp caliber and it rocks! This is a “polymer frame” plastic wanna be! My Bersa Thunder 45 SC will shoot WAY better that what he talks about in the article! And it is all steel except the grips! Great gun!

    • It’s not. My Bersa Thunder 45 SC will shoot WAY better that what he talks about in the article! It is all steel, not a “polymer framed” plastic wanna be! The Bersa is extremely durable and reliable!

      You and I already have all we need for CC! Why waste money on another toy gun?

  2. A picture of the gun would have been helpful. It was like telling me about the great new lines and interior of a car and then showing a picture of the back tire.

    • If the author likes the gun so much why didn’t he just take a picture of his? Assuming he has one.

  3. I have a concealed and carry permit, I will have to look into this little baby. I do have a s/w 9mm and a s/w 38 police special as well. I soon may have another.

  4. I personly prefer the s&w 442p it is a 38 that waights only 1 lb loaded. being hammer less you can fire it through your pocket and they never jam. If you need 10 shots to hit your target you shouldn’t be carring a gun to start with. Like in the ARMY we say 1 shot 1 kill

  5. smith and Wesson 442p I pefer lt only waights 16ozs loaded no hammer so ti can be fired through tour pocket saving a lot of time and maybe your life. this gun is small and packs a big punch. and if you need 10 rounds to stop your target you shouldn’t being carring a gun in the first place. like in the service 1 shot 1 kill

  6. I love my CZ 2075 Rami. It is deadly accurate compact an easy to carry. It’s also one of the few polymer pistols where the slide rides inside the frame instead of outside..

  7. The write-up would have been more convincing with a couple of photos and not using a Glock that looks nothing like the Steyr S9-A1 in the story photo.

  8. I own a C40-A1–slightly longer grip. Awesome sight system, best striker trigger, very accurate, “soft” shooter. A best buy

  9. I prefer all steel guns like my Bersa Thunder 45 Sub Compact and my full size Springfield Armory Trophy Match, both in a full caliber .45 acp, rather than a sub caliber 9 mm!

    And I try to avoid like the plague any “polymer” plastic wanna be’s!

    Just my 2 cents. Also, BOTH of my guns are more accurate than this polymer plastic wanna be!

    The SA TM will shoot one hole ransom rest groups at 25 yards! The Bersa will shoot about 1.5″ 5 shot groups rested from 25 yards!

    I guess ya get what ya pay for! Oh wait! I only paid $369 for the Bersa! So I guess that don’t apply in all cases!

    • Very naive and close minded. I can kill a person with a .22 from a Mark III just as easily as I can kill them with a 500S&W. It’s called shot placement. But keep thinking “bigger is better” and spouting ignorance. There’s a reason militaries and police forces worldwide carry polymer handguns: they’re practical. I switch between carrying a S&W 3-5-7, which is pretty large, and this Steyr S9-A1. I can shoot both where I want, because I know exactly where I’m aiming with both to ensure damn near impeccable shot placement. What good is a .45 if you aim for the torso and hit the foot?

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