So, You Think Gun Bans Stop Mass Shootings?


Anti-gunners love to trot out Australia as an example of what they say works: gun bans. You hear over-and-over how Australia is now a safer place due to gun bans and that mass shootings don’t happen there because bad people can’t get their hands on guns.

This would be nice and all if it were true. Unfortunately, however, it isn’t.

While Australia has gun bans in place, evil people still are able to get their hands on firearms and do terrible things. Natalie Wolfe and Benedict Brook write,


NEIGHBOURS have revealed hearing early morning gunshots after seven family members were found dead at a rural property south of Perth.

The bodies of two adults were found outside close to a shed that had been converted into a residence, while five were discovered inside. All the victims appeared to have gunshot wounds, said police.

This horrible situation, which is being treated as a murder suicide “is the worst mass shooting since the Port Arthur massacre of 1996 when 35 people died and 23 were seriously injured.”

This is truly a horrible situation that should have never happened, but the fact of the matter is that it did. And the fact of the matter is that people with evil intentions will obtain guns and do evil things with them whether the law “allows” them to do so or not.

The thing that anti-gunners don’t seem to realize (or want to admit) is that a legal, responsible gun owner (which the overwhelming majority are) with their firearm on them at the time of this incident could have stopped this tragedy or, at least, prevented as many people from dying.

But anti-gunners can’t seem to get it through their heads that, sometimes, to stop someone evil, you have to do something which would be unacceptable in any other situation: you have to shoot the aggressor. It’s an unpleasant reality of life, but it’s a reality that anti-gunners don’t want to face.



  1. this will probably not stop ,gun control or not. these mass shootings are partly due to those trying to take god from our lives , and the decline of morals in this country. criminals will always find a way to steal or illegally posess firearms .

  2. guns will always be obtained illegally by those intent on mass murder and mayhem. one of the reasons for these shootings is the decline of morals in this country and the taking of god from our lives. liberals dont want to hear about this because it interferes with their theories on the new world order. the news media doesnt want to either because it interferes with their ratings.

    • jrw, what I get a kick out of is everytime something bad happens in this country they want to pray to God and ask God for help.
      But, other than that they want to take God out of everything.
      WHAT THE HELL DO THEY ( our Legislators ) WANT?
      You either want God to help or you want him out of everything.
      If they can’t make up their minds on God, how are they going to on anything else?

  3. I think people can get guns by stealing them it they want to do that and if you take everyone’s guns away who is going to stop the crazy people and this is coming if we lose our guns also there is Isis people in the US and we need our guns Incase they start to take over

  4. Guns don’t do anything, they don’t have a brain and are stupid. If they banned guns they would create a black market from Mexico. Obviously the people who advocate this poppycock don’t know shit about what there doing. An Investigative Reporter from National Geographic Magazine went across the border into Mexico and went on the internet and saw that she could purchase “fully Automatic”AK-47″s, Draco’s(short version of the AK-47), AR-15 Bushmasters, and Belgian M-416’s 7.62’s and many other military automatics reasonable prices $750.) three for $2100.00, no background checks, not registered and no bumpstocks, but “fully Automatic”, Davis Hogg and Eric Swalwell are both “dolts”. These are the kind of people who go around sniffing each others butts like your common neighborhood dogs. They will create a blackmarket business like you never seen, because there stupid. These people don’t want to obey the law 2nd Amendment. There full blown Socialists, that would be happy if this were the fourth Reich. I will follow our Framers of the Constitution who were smart enough to know that the Hoggs and Swalwels were on there way to fuck us over.

  5. Leave our guns alone period
    Let’s pass HR38 already so our hands are not tied in bad situations

  6. Gun murders are down, but gun crimes are up, how is this possible, you know, because guns are illegal- these politicians are in desperate need of a proctologist

  7. the question comes to mind if/when “they” (the powers that be) finally do pass laws criminalising any/all gun ownership , who/how many good/innocent people will get killed (remember Waco,Texas 89 men/women/children shot/burned alive by order of “barbque” janet reno) as result of enforcing these unjust/unfair/unamerican laws ,many brave americans have died to obtain/retain our god given rights , and now they believe they can/will simply take our god given rights away without a fight , really? i guess they will always feel they have the right to force others to do as they say 🙁

  8. You may be right, but don’t you think that all of these mass shootings are occurring in gun free zones. Wouldn’t you think the anti gunners could figure this out? Great Britain is a perfect example. They have very strict gun laws, and their crime rate is much higher than in the US. Now they are talking about banning knives, because crimes with knives have skyrocketed. Before gun control in the UK people would break into homes they knew were empty. Home invasions have increased dramatically, but now they claim they break in when they know people are home. There is no fear of being shot and they get more because purses and wallets are available. Taking guns from law abiding people is causing them to become victims. WAKE UP LIBERALS!

  9. When Guns are Outlawed only Outlaws will have Guns. Wake up People. When our 2nd amendment is taken away our 1st amendment will will be close to follow.

    • When Guns are Outlawed only Outlaws will have Guns. Wake up People. When our 2nd amendment is taken away our 1st amendment will be close to follow.

  10. I am amazed at such stupidity. England has banned guns long ago. Even police do not carry guns. Suddenly the number of stabbings have gone up so England is proposing banning knives. Where does this crap end? I live in a mountain state with millions of big limbs and rocks. They are quite effective in mass killings also. Bashing skulls is easy to do. How then, do we ban such weapons? We do not. There is NO banning of weapons if someone is bent on killing. Maybe we should focus on the fact that we have a people issue and not a weapons issue.

  11. The more guns out there, the better chance an evil person will get it. Eliminate them, lowers the chance of a criminal getting their hands on one. Most of the time you put the aggressor against the innocent person who has never faced a real threat. The aggressor is going to win that battle.

  12. You must communicate with these people, (gangsters) in the same language, it’s the only language they understand otherwise you are wasting your time.

  13. It might be of interest to note that SWITZERLAND has… NO MURDER OCCURRENCE!. EVERYONE by law owns a gun and MUST be proficient in it’s use!
    This is FASCINATING !!

    From the World Health Organization
    The latest Murder Statistics for the world:
    Murders per 100,000 citizens per year.

    Honduras 91.6 (WOW!!)
    El Salvador 69.2
    Cote d’oire 56.9
    Jamaica 52.2
    Venezuela 45.1
    Belize 41.4
    US Virgin Islands 39.2
    Guatemala 38.5
    Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2
    Zambia 38.0
    Uganda 36.3
    Malawi 36.0
    Lesotho 35.2
    Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
    Colombia 33.4
    South Africa 31.8
    Congo 30.8
    Central African Republic 29.3
    Bahamas 27.4
    Puerto Rico 26.2
    Saint Lucia 25.2
    Dominican Republic 25.0
    Tanzania 24.5
    Sudan 24.2
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
    Ethiopia 22.5
    Guinea 22.5
    Dominica 22.1
    Burundi 21.7
    Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
    Panama 21.6
    Brazil 21.0
    Equatorial Guinea 20.7
    Guinea-Bissau 20.2
    Kenya 20.1
    Kyrgyzstan 20.1
    Cameroon 19.7
    Montserrat 19.7
    Greenland 19.2
    Angola 19.0
    Guyana 18.6
    Burkina Faso 18.0
    Eritrea 17.8
    Namibia 17.2
    Rwanda 17.1
    Mexico 16.9
    Chad 15.8
    Ghana 15.7
    Ecuador 15.2
    North Korea 15.2
    Benin 15.1
    Sierra Leone 14.9
    Mauritania 14.7
    Botswana 14.5
    Zimbabwe 14.3
    Gabon 13.8
    Nicaragua 13.6
    French Guiana 13.3
    Papua New Guinea 13.0
    Swaziland 12.9
    Bermuda 12.3
    Comoros 12.2
    Nigeria 12.2
    Cape Verde 11.6
    Grenada 11.5
    Paraguay 11.5
    Barbados 11.3
    Togo 10.9
    Gambia 10.8
    Peru 10.8
    Myanmar 10.2
    Russia 10.2
    Liberia 10.1
    Costa Rica 10.0
    Nauru 9.8
    Bolivia 8.9
    Mozambique 8.8
    Kazakhstan 8.8
    Senegal 8.7
    Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
    Mongolia 8.7
    British Virgin Islands 8.6
    Cayman Islands 8.4
    Seychelles 8.3
    Madagascar 8.1
    Indonesia 8.1
    Mali 8.0
    Pakistan 7.8
    Moldova 7.5
    Kiribati 7.3
    Guadeloupe 7.0
    Haiti 6.9
    Timor-Leste 6.9
    Anguilla 6.8
    Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
    Lithuania 6.6
    Uruguay 5.9
    Philippines 5.4
    Ukraine 5.2
    Estonia 5.2
    Cuba 5.0
    Belarus 4.9
    Thailand 4.8
    Suriname 4.6
    Laos 4.6
    Georgia 4.3
    Martinique 4.2
    And …….The United States 4.2 per 100,000 people

    ALL (109) of the countries above America, HAVE 100% gun bans.

    Murders per 100,000 citizens per year.

    Honduras 91.6 (WOW!!)
    El Salvador 69.2
    Cote d’oire 56.9
    Jamaica 52.2
    Venezuela 45.1
    Belize 41.4
    US Virgin Islands 39.2
    Guatemala 38.5
    Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2
    Zambia 38.0
    Uganda 36.3
    Malawi 36.0
    Lesotho 35.2
    Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
    Colombia 33.4
    South Africa 31.8
    Congo 30.8
    Central African Republic 29.3
    Bahamas 27.4
    Puerto Rico 26.2
    Saint Lucia 25.2
    Dominican Republic 25.0
    Tanzania 24.5
    Sudan 24.2
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
    Ethiopia 22.5
    Guinea 22.5
    Dominica 22.1
    Burundi 21.7
    Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
    Panama 21.6
    Brazil 21.0
    Equatorial Guinea 20.7
    Guinea-Bissau 20.2
    Kenya 20.1
    Kyrgyzstan 20.1
    Cameroon 19.7
    Montserrat 19.7
    Greenland 19.2
    Angola 19.0
    Guyana 18.6
    Burkina Faso 18.0
    Eritrea 17.8
    Namibia 17.2
    Rwanda 17.1
    Mexico 16.9
    Chad 15.8
    Ghana 15.7
    Ecuador 15.2
    North Korea 15.2
    Benin 15.1
    Sierra Leone 14.9
    Mauritania 14.7
    Botswana 14.5
    Zimbabwe 14.3
    Gabon 13.8
    Nicaragua 13.6
    French Guiana 13.3
    Papua New Guinea 13.0
    Swaziland 12.9
    Bermuda 12.3
    Comoros 12.2
    Nigeria 12.2
    Cape Verde 11.6
    Grenada 11.5
    Paraguay 11.5
    Barbados 11.3
    Togo 10.9
    Gambia 10.8
    Peru 10.8
    Myanmar 10.2
    Russia 10.2
    Liberia 10.1
    Costa Rica 10.0
    Nauru 9.8
    Bolivia 8.9
    Mozambique 8.8
    Kazakhstan 8.8
    Senegal 8.7
    Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
    Mongolia 8.7
    British Virgin Islands 8.6
    Cayman Islands 8.4
    Seychelles 8.3
    Madagascar 8.1
    Indonesia 8.1
    Mali 8.0
    Pakistan 7.8
    Moldova 7.5
    Kiribati 7.3
    Guadeloupe 7.0
    Haiti 6.9
    Timor-Leste 6.9
    Anguilla 6.8
    Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
    Lithuania 6.6
    Uruguay 5.9
    Philippines 5.4
    Ukraine 5.2
    Estonia 5.2
    Cuba 5.0
    Belarus 4.9
    Thailand 4.8
    Suriname 4.6
    Laos 4.6
    Georgia 4.3
    Martinique 4.2
    And …….The United States 4.2

    ALL (109) of the countries above America, HAVE 100% gun bans.

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