ATTN VA Gun Rights Activists: Rally At Bloomberg Campaign Stop This Friday


I’m thinking that Michael Bloomberg is not going to have a good day on Friday, February 7, 2020. Why? Because he will campaigning in Virginia where his money has been trying to force gun control on everyday people since the campaign for this last election.

But it looks like he may be getting a rude awakening about what the average Virginian thinks about him and his anti-gun ways. Someone going by the moniker u/ltdpilot posted a call to action on reddit to have a pro-gun rally at Bloomber’s campain stop this Friday. u/ltdpilot wrote:

Let’s go see Michael Bloomberg at his campaign stop in Norfolk this Friday!

Let’s fill Nauticus with Orange! Get your GSL stickers from the crew outside!

Be vocal and be heard! Tell Bloomberg that you support the Second Amendment and you don’t want him or any of his paid for cronies in the Virginia General Assembly to take away your rights.


1 Waterside Drive
Norfolk, VA 23510


Friday, February 7, 2020

9:45 a.m.: Doors open to public, press
10:15 a.m.: Estimated start time

Now, I’ll hand this to Bloomberg: he has some real… uh… gumption to plan a campaign stop in a state in which the everyday populace wants to tar and feather him for buying the last election and trying to force his idiotic gun control ideas on a liberty-loving state.


But I can’t say that I feel any sympathy for him. Bloomberg has repeatedly come across as an arrogant jerk and his policies are the kinds of things that you would expect from someone who wants to be a tyrant.

See, Bloomberg and his cronies are exactly why the #VAGunRightsRebellion started in the first place, and we need to let both him and every other anti-gunner involved in politics in Virginia know that we are coming for their political seat.



  1. Just do what the Clintons do… charter a plane for Bloomberg that is literally One Way, or the second and probably more favorite technique of the Clinton way removing “witnesses” and evidence is to show Bloomberg how to use a pistol on a park bench, pull the trigger with his own toe, then drag himself across a park and “die” on another bench. Bill and Hillary do it and is never questioned. It’s like the person that deleted the emails and bleach bit hard drives… they were dead by the end of the day like the mysterious second shooter of Kennedy. The only true mystery is where is the shovel used to bury them?…. see Mark Wahlberg in the movie “Shooter”.

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