Glock Vs Biden: Who Won In Court?


The Biden administration has made it no secret that they are planning to do everything that they can to strip gun rights away from Americans.

What you may not know, though, is that one of the methods that anti-gunners like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have started to eye is trying to hold gun manufacturers liable for the evil deeds of the few people who attack other people with firearms.

Fortunately, though, there are still a few judges on the bench who care more about the Constitution and the law than about woke leftist politics. Paul Bedard writes,


In a little-noticed decision with a major impact on the firearms industry, a federal judge in Arizona has ruled in favor of pistol manufacturer Glock and dismissed a suit brought by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on behalf of a man who was accidentally shot and paralyzed.

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Brnovich upheld liability immunity granted in the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act passed in 2005 to block gun-makers from a potential wave of industry-killing lawsuits.

Brnovich, nominated by former President Donald Trump and the wife of Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, dismissed multiple claims in the suit that the act’s protections were illegal, writing, “The statute is constitutional.”

While she made her decision in mid-March, it is just now winning attention as Biden and top congressional Democrats begin a campaign to impose new gun control restrictions and end liability immunity for gun-makers.

“The dismissal of this case is welcome news and demonstrates the importance of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act,” said Mark Oliva, the spokesman for the industry trade group National Shooting Sports Foundation.

“These attempts to hold manufacturers responsible for the criminal and negligent misuse of firearms are misguided and are attempts at legislation through litigation. The PLCAA law was passed with a bipartisan majority in both chambers of Congress to keep activists from attempting to bankrupt firearm manufacturers by tying them up in court with unfounded claims. This demonstrates why protecting this legislation against attacks by President Biden and gun control factions in Congress is critical,” he added.

Really, it should be obvious to anyone who cares about the Constitution, freedom, rationality, or the rule of law that Brnovich’s ruling on this is the right one. Nothing else makes sense in light of the truth, but don’t expect anti-gunners to want the truth. They want their emotions validated no matter how many people have to die to do so.

It’s truly evil and selfish on their part.



  1. Democrats blame ‘guns’ for what evil their beloved ADDICTIONS are causing!
    It’s ADDICTIONS VIOLENCE no matter what ‘tool’ is used !!! … Not ‘gun violence’…

      • Yep that would have been funny watching them protect themselves with a flyswatter . all it is is a bunch of cry babies that think they know what’s best for everyone . the truth is these ignorant damocraps has been passing or trying to pass laws for over 40 years . to take guns away because they have been planning this crap they are pulling today. Because their idea of a perfect world is 80% of worlds population incarcerated and the other 20 % hired to watch them. Well we all know how lazy the rich are so they will push their part on the other 10 % . But there is one problem for me . I am a AMERICAN I’m no rich bas. Turds SLAVE I will stand up for MYSELFE my neighbors friends family. How many real AMERICAN’s are left willing to do the same. American or slave????

        • I hear u. We have no real men here.
          By damn I won’t stand by an watch. I get in the fight. After Nam. Nothing but snakes scare me any more.
          I speak my mind an dont back down. I’m also retired cop. This shit with
          Obiden stresses me out. He’s a Obama pupit still. Obama is still controlling him.
          Impeach an remove his entire clan.
          People kill people. Guns knives cars airplains ships.. are tools used by some use to kill. Fuck over those mfg. We must fight back or out country will be an extion of China.
          Remove all foreign mfg and owner ship of any part of america..
          Build out own things build up our country. Fuck the communist left
          Stupid bastards.

    • The same exemption given to God for producing a limb or a stone should apply to manufacturers of ANY object which MAY be used in the commission of larceny, assault, or murder, whether a baseball bat, a screwdriver, or a firearm! God, and manufacturers, cannot be held liable for misuse of their products! Period!

    • That’s why they want to Defund police .
      Then they can promote even more violence.
      They’re idiots

  2. Why don’t the leftys go after alcohol producers and automobile manufacturers as well for the thousands of deaths caused each year by drunk drivers? Or the cell phone and automobile manufacturers for the thousands of deaths caused each year by distracted drivers?

    Where is the personal responsibility and accountability for the offenders?

    Why can’t these politicians who are not doing their job by supporting and defending the Constitution be removed from office for violating the oath they swore? Why aren’t we holding them accountable?

  3. If allowed to continue it would set a precedents to sue any manufacture from a butter knife to a hammer , instead of putting the blame were it belongs on the person that did it …

    • What you mean the demoncrats won’t be able to blame something/someone other than an actual perpetrator for a crime–oops that means they may be on the hook for some of their criminal acts instead of Trump or his supporters.

  4. Everyone with a lick of sense knows the anti-gun agenda has nothing to do with “gun violence”, but is designed to disarm American Patriots who will fight the Leftist takeover of these United States until their last breath, and take a lot of Leftists with us! The Left wants a bloodless coup, so disarming the population is their first step! Their second step, (already under way), is indoctrinating our children to unquestioningly obey their leaders no matter that the orders they are to follow are unconstitutional, and detrimental to America as a whole!

  5. To do no other than to NOT hold an arms manufacturer liable would open up a whole new can of worms. Such as litigants going after vehicle manufacturers if/when someone drove into a crowd or even someone dying in an accident (other than defective safety devices).

    This was definitely the correct decision.

    • Well be careful people this site will stop your post if you put to much truth in what these rotten DAMOCRAPS ARE planning to do if they don’t put your post out they are covering or catering to the communist. Back before this crap started censoring was pretty Mich unheard of . freedom of speech. Any site that is censoring is working with the communist factions . they just cover their hind ends by telling it may hurt someone as feeling big deal grow up there is worse on tv. Stop catering to a bunch of snot nosed cry babies. They can change sites like turning channels on a TV. If they don’t want to see something. There is a lot of garbage put on tv. I don’t want to see but they won’t take it off and it’s totally DESCUSTING.

  6. Well I’ll tell you what people, You tell that S.O.B. Joey that when him and his WHORE Fly trap get rid of their armed guards the people might comply. HA,HA, HA I DON’T THINK SO.

    • As the saying goes, “I’ll give up my guns when they pry them from my cold, dead hands.”

      There are more than 90 million gun owners in this country. A lot more of us than there are of them. The majority of veterans are on our side and the majority of active duty personnel… I think the odds are in our favor.

  7. Yes I know this site probably won’t post this because there is to much truth in it that might offend some cry baby politician. But here it is I’d they don’t post this they are more RHAN LIKELY part of the communist clan.Yep that would have been funny watching them protect themselves with a flyswatter . all it is is a bunch of cry babies that think they know what’s best for everyone . the truth is these ignorant damocraps has been passing or trying to pass laws for over 40 years . to take guns away because they have been planning this crap they are pulling today. Because their idea of a perfect world is 80% of worlds population incarcerated and the other 20 % hired to watch them. Well we all know how lazy the rich are so they will push their part on the other 10 % . But there is one problem for me . I am a AMERICAN I’m no rich bas. Turds SLAVE I will stand up for MYSELFE my neighbors friends family. How many real AMERICAN’s are left willing to do the same. American or slave????

  8. Well be careful people this site will stop your post if you put to much truth in what these rotten DAMOCRAPS ARE planning to do if they don’t put your post out they are covering or catering to the communist. Back before this crap started censoring was pretty Mich unheard of . freedom of speech. Any site that is censoring is working with the communist factions . they just cover their hind ends by telling it may hurt someone as feeling big deal grow up there is worse on tv. Stop catering to a bunch of snot nosed cry babies. They can change sites like turning channels on a TV. If they don’t want to see something. There is a lot of garbage put on tv. I don’t want to see but they won’t take it off and it’s totally DESCUSTING.

  9. I hear u. We have no real men here.
    By damn I won’t stand by an watch. I get in the fight. After Nam. Nothing but snakes scare me any more.
    I speak my mind an dont back down. I’m also retired cop. This shit with
    Obiden stresses me out. He’s a Obama pupit still. Obama is still controlling him.
    Impeach an remove his entire clan.
    People kill people. Guns knives cars airplains ships.. are tools used by some use to kill. Fuck over those mfg. We must fight back or out country will be an extion of China.
    Remove all foreign mfg and owner ship of any part of america..
    Build out own things build up our country. Fuck the communist left
    Stupid bastards.

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