Illegal Immigrants And The 2nd Amendment: New Court Ruling


Well, today we have a court case to tell you about that is sure to be difficult for political leftists to figure out their position on.

Why is that? Because the court ruling takes two of political leftists’ favorite topics and pits them against each other.

It’s kind of like if you have to decide if you want pizza (assuming that you’re not one of those strange people who don’t like pizza) or if you want a good steak (assuming that you’re not vegan). It’s a tough choice. You want both.


Just not in the same meal.

So, what’s going on, you ask? Cortney Weil gives us the details:

An illegal alien who has lived in the U.S. for nearly two decades is not protected under the Second Amendment, a federal judge has ruled.

Carlos Serrano-Restrepo is a foreign national who currently resides in Orient, Ohio, about an hour east of Springfield, having last crossed the border to enter the U.S. in April 2008. Since then, he has bought a home and opened a business that helps remediate fire and flood damage, according to WSYX.

Now, he filed an asylum claim within the last couple of years… after having been in the U.S. for 14 years illegally, and “the Social Security Administration [under Biden-Harris] approved his application for a Social Security number.”

Weil continues:

Around this time, Serrano-Restrepo also managed to amass a significant assortment of firearms, some of which were reportedly purchased for self-defense. During these purchases, he allegedly stated on ATF Form 4473 “that he had citizenship in the United States and that he was neither unlawfully in the United States, nor admitted under a nonimmigrant visa,” court documents said.

After obtaining an Ohio driver’s license, Serrano-Restrepo once again filled out the form, allegedly claiming he had dual citizenship in the U.S. and Colombia and that he “was not unlawfully in the United States or admitted under a nonimmigrant visa.”

The purchase of at least 22 firearms and the apparent lies about citizenship on the forms caught the attention of the ATF, which began investigating him.

Last January, ATF agents seized approximately 170 weapons, many of which were displayed in gun safes and closets, and thousands of rounds of ammunition from his residence.

170 firearms. For self-protection.

Now, I understand getting that many guns for recreational use or if you’re a collector, and I’m absolutely fine with anyone buying that many guns (or more) for those reasons. 170 guns for one person to protect themselves, though, may be a bit of an exaggeration. (You really should be focusing on just a couple of firearms and absolutely mastering those guns for self-protection in order to be effective.)

Lying on the ATF Form 4473, though? Buying a firearm when you’re not legally allowed to do so? Those are huge problems if you’re trying to buy a gun legally in the U.S.

I’ll admit to having mixed feelings about this case. On the one hand, I think that the government should stay completely out of trying to regulate or restrict gun ownership. Completely.

And from the (admittedly scant) details that we’re seeing, it looks like this guy may be trying to live the American dream and to be a peaceful and productive immigrant here in the U.S. (He should have taken steps to become a legal citizen long before now, though), and I’m sympathetic to people trying to be productive and peaceful members of American society.

On the other hand, what he did to buy the guns was illegal, and he’s here illegally. And the law needs to be universally enforced, not selectively enforced. Otherwise, you find governments abusing people through lawfare.

The end result of this case? It was ruled that the 2nd Amendment doesn’t apply to illegal immigrants, so this guy has a trial scheduled to begin two months from now.

Which puts political leftists in a bind. On the one hand, they seem to really favor illegal immigrants. On the other hand, they hate private gun ownership. How are they supposed to handle “denying (Second Amendment) rights” to an illegal immigrant?

It almost makes me want to tell this situation to a political leftist just so that I can watch their face go into convulsions as they try to figure out what they’re supposed to think about this. I expect that would be pretty funny to watch.

And who doesn’t love free entertainment like that?



  1. All of these folks who have broke and entered into our nation have committed a crime. If you are involved in a criminal act any fruits of that criminality is negated, such as having a child born in the US becoming a US citizen. Each and every illegal alien in our nation to day needs to be deported with their family no matter how long they have been here or whether or not they committed any criminal acts. I think of all the immigrants who took the time and made the effort to come to the US legally. These folks jumped the line and pushed these others, doing it the proper way, to the back of the line. This nation is walking the Roman death road and it will be as it was to Rome the end of it.

  2. Hey didn’t Hunter Biden lie on the same form. I bet daddy will pardon him in the final hours. As far as this guy from Ohio is concerned he needs to be deported and have a no return notice placed. Why can’t these people do the right thing? I mean he’ll I would help if the wanted to come here legally.
    I have family members who are immigrants that are really upset the the Biden administration is basically giving away citizenships
    They took the time to do it right, not to mention the cost.

  3. While I’m no Left Leaning Liberal, I’m exactly the opposite in fact; I do have some charitable heart left in me though. If, Mr. Illegal-Alien has had “Anchor Babies” here in the U.S.A. they are in fact and as much as we dislike it, U.S. Citizens. So, deporting Mr. Illegal-Alien Could involve leaving a family behind here in the U.S.; so how are we as Pro-Family and Pro-Life Conservatives going to deal with that aspect? Not sure, Mr. Illegal-Alien did break the law back in April 2008 and every day thereafter, when he entered the U.S. under Illegal means, Mr. Illegal-Alien therefore must have some consequences for those actions. Such as, paying a hefty fine or else face individual deportment, filing and waiting for Legal Reentry into the U.S. under the agreement that Mr. Illegal-Alien must immediately begin the process of obtaining U.S. Citizenship immediately upon his reentry to the U.S.A..
    Business Owner and Taxpayer – Here we have Mr. Illegal-Alien starting up a business and contributing to State, Local and Federal Taxes, possibly even providing employment for others, i.e. Contributing to Society. Mr. Illegal-Alien it sounds like has also been contributing to SSI as well as all the other things that we who are Citizens of the “Greatest Nation on God’s Green Earth” (as Rush used to say).
    Cutting to the Chase, Mr. Illegal-Alien is a lawbreaker in a Nation of Laws; 1. He is in Illegal Alien for one, he entered the U.S. illegally in April of 1988. 2. Mr. Illegal-Alien has in fact Lied on a great number of State, Local and Federal forms in his process of establishing his life here in the U.S.A. – Mr. Illegal-Alien should therefore be fined an amount that both hurts his budget and makes Mr. Illegal-Alien think twice about breaking any other law of the land. 3. We are also unaware in this case if Mr. Illegal-Alien has broken any other Laws during his stay here in the U.S.A., like speeding tickets, petty theft, other brushes with Law Enforcement where he has either been fined or short termed jailed and fined for any crimes. This is a factor whether we should at a later date extend the right of Mr. Illegal-Alien to proceed with Citizenship to our country, the one our ancestors fought, bled and died for. 4. It is also to Mr. Illegal-Alien’s credit that he has tried to assimilate into society, at the very least not tried to call attention to himself.
    I would move for: 1. Individual Deportation and Filing for Reentry to the U.S. with the caveat that Mr. Illegal-Alien Immediately begins the process of Legally obtaining U.S. Citizenship. 2. Mr. Illegal-Alien’s Firearms Collection and willful misrepresentation on Federal Form ATF 4473 – A rather hefty fine and Mr. Illegal-Alien should be forced to sell of the collection both to finance the fine for lying on ATF form 4473 and obtaining the firearms illegally. Once, Mr. Illegal-Alien does obtain U.S. Citizenship (and after renouncing his former citizenship) may be allowed to obtain, own and collect the firearms of his choice.
    Whatever else a Judge imposes on Mr. Illegal-Alien should be a painful reminder to Mr. Illegal-Alien that he really messed up back in April of 2008. Figure it this way, Mr. Illegal-Alien has been looking over his shoulder for 16 years he’s almost in essence been waiting for the day he would be caught every day of those 16 years; not something I can imagine the stress that Mr. Illegal-Alien put upon himself and his family (if he has one). The Judicial System shouldn’t let the rest of us down either, especially those of us who went through proper channels to obtain citizenship, yet it need not be overly harsh either.
    Considering all the Anchor Baby Visas and fast-tracked U.S. Citizenships liberally handed out by the Obama and Biden administrations even to Illegal Alien parents of said Anchor Babies. Because of both administrations being pathetically weak on immigration we now have a huge quandary with many other cases of Illegal Aliens. Not just Mr. Illegal-Alien who with a little bit of luck has managed to live and fall between the cracks created by Obama and Biden.
    Some understanding, not leniencies should be applied and extended in the case of Mr. Illegal-Alien, especially as he has tried to (wrongly) assimilate into his community, he should also bear the brunt of his crime(s).

  4. Why is it when deportation talks come up, the assumptions are the achor babies will be separated from the illegal parents.

    Deport them too, their parents can take care of their kid in THEIR OWN COUNTRY. Families should be deported together since they are HERE TOGETHER.

    We don’t need to take care of anchor babies for life on the taxpayer’s expense!

  5. KNOCKED UP GIRLS , MAKING MONEY ON THE SIDE. Thats ok They are gone in a few months SOP Well it’s ok ALSO YOU GET FREE MEDICAL Remember Like the HOW MANY WET BACKS Woops forgot about the how many boat people. Million’s plus of minus 1,000,000 They do not count Do they, Wait, ???? Made In China and the ????????? One more Buy the green card there on sale at your local Home Depot. Now think you do not pay tax if you claim 9 dependent’s you can get home free.

  6. The gentleman named Skip is who this reply is mainly for and anyone else that thinks this guy should be allowed to keep his 170 guns.

    I say BS on his Anchor babies, he has no rights as a legal U.S.A. citizen to purchase a firearm rifle or ammunition. The 2nd Amendment doesn’t apply to him now because he was an illegal alien when he got here. I don’t give a shit how many anchor cables he has called children born in this country, he himself should have his ass deported by the 10th of January 2025. Just as soon as Trump becomes President there should be a mass deportation of all the SOB’s that crossed the Boarder at the Frio river and other crossing also. The damn Liberals like you Skip prolly hauled or bussed those people from South America to a point that they didn’t have to walk all that far to get to the frio river. Way to many fat immigrants that had to hauled up here because they didn’t walk all those miles and retained such a fat ass, they would have been thin as a rail walking from way down in South America. So I’m glad the FFL took all of his arsenal away !!!


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