VA Gov Northam Says That Gun Control Laws Are Justified


You have to wonder where some people get their information. Or, at least, why they choose to cherry pick their information without getting any context.

Gun control is a perfect example of this. People arguing for gun control say that we need to do something to reduce gun violence, which sounds noble. Then, they propose regulating, banning, and/or confiscating guns and accessories. Which doesn’t make sense.

Why? Because the reality is that, when firearms are regulated, banned, and/or confiscated in an area, overall violence trends don’t decrease. The current trend continues or incidents increase. Just look at what happened in the last few years in the U.K. They banned guns, and their murder rate and knife offences increased. We’ve talked about this before, but anti-gunners keep arguing that gun crime must go down because it’s harder to legally buy a gun.


It just isn’t so.

But Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, like so many other anti-gunners doesn’t get this and doesn’t look at the statistics in context. He even tried to justify his anti-gun foolishness before the Virginia legislature. Cam Edwards writes,

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam addressed the state’s legislators in the annual State of the Commonwealth speech Wednesday evening, using his remarks to defend his gun control agenda and to swipe at Second Amendment Sanctuary supporters.

Northam said that the people of Virginia voted at the ballot box because they’re sick of gun violence. Edwards continues,

And unfortunately, Governor, when other states have implemented your proposals, they’ve seen their crime rates skyrocket and suicide rates have increased. Virginians may have had enough of the violence, but the laws you proposing have resulted in more funerals, vigils, and mourning. Instead of doing something that works, you’re just “doing something.”

Northam went on to blather about “common sense” gun control measures. Of course, the only areas with gun violence problems are areas in which legal gun ownership per capita is low, so the criminals are the primary ones with the firearms. In other words, it’s urban areas trying to force their would-be solutions on the rest of the state. Never mind that their “solutions” are both unconstitutional and ineffective.

Yet, instead of taking personal ownership of the problem and saying, “I’m going to be the one to protect my family and other people,” urbanites in Virginia voted to have the state “do something” no matter how ineffective.

Northam also continued to say that the proposed gun laws were within the boundaries of the Constitution (they’re not) and other such nonsense.

It’s exactly what you’d expect from those who are hostile towards gun owners and gun ownership: dishonest and condescending. And it’s exactly the kind of nonsense that caused the #VAGunRightsRebellion to begin in the first place.



    • George Soros vision of a one world government is exactly that. The Third Reich Nazism on a global scale. European Union leadership, the UN are all calling for complete gun confiscation. That is why Soros and the liberal extremists are undermining our criminal justice system at every level of government. Serious enemy of the state tactics that unfortunately will lead to serious conflict pitting Americans against each other. The will of the people will decide this issue one way or another. Liberals will never relent so there are dark days ahead but there has and always will be a great price for freedom.

      • Exactly! The entire goal is to Rule The World and enslave the people. So-called “liberals” are wolves in sheeps’ clothing and think that they will live high on the hog and enjoy great power after “We Deplorables” are done away with. They probably never saw the old movie “1000 Years From Now” (ca. 1953) containing a line that was worth a lot more than the price of the ti hhe ticket price.: “H betrayed his own people; I could never trust him but he did sit in the Chief’s Chair [for a few seconds}”. The traitor was garrotted quickly.

  1. How’s that impeachment of the governor going? Truth is always found where there are facts. Virginia governor is ignoring the truth to suit his own vain political desires. All new gun crimes and death will be on his head.

  2. I am a retired police officer and have said many times when you need me in seconds I will be there in minutes. This Is not a slam on my professesion, this is a fact of life. Police are by nature reactive, not proactive. We try but criminals have the advantage of picking the time and place to commit crime and most don’t act in front of the police. All the laws Mr. Northam has proposed are useless and will not have an impact on crime. It is my job to protect my family, I will gladly accept any help, but I am not going to count on the cavery to arrive in time. While working I had citizens on several occations say I glad you have a gun, I believe only police and miltary should have weapons. Most were surprised and shocked when my reply was, “When only the police have guns you live in a police state. I believe this is what Mr. Northham wants. His desire is for us to be subjects and not citizens. I foresee courts being tied for years while free American citizens fight to reverse these communist anti Second Admendment proposals. Si Vic Pacem Para Bellem (If you seek or desire peace prepare for war)

    • Excellent take on American reality-!
      Wish all of those in charge of LE agencies grasped such commonse Americanism….passing it on down.

      No one in their right mind wants to shoot someone- tho most to defend innocent life will step up to the occasion for standing on moral dictates that’ll guide one in the moment should it come.

      Hard to grasp the mind of callused criminal limits and intent of willfully evil persons yet “WE the People” know they exist from the news every day.

      WE as Americans have the –
      “Natural unalienable Right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”
      – all to no effect without the Right to defend such- even your pet dog or cat retains it.

      All of the “Bill of Rights” – with 2nd-Amendment are merely further stated ‘unalienable’ necessities pointing to foundational “freedoms under Liberty” being an American phenomena the world of mankinds long dark history has never before seen.

      OUR Founding Peoples + Framers were of incredible wisdom, courage and Faith to understand WE are endowed by our Creator… “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, WE mutually pledge to each other our Lives our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

      Once befriending (in a peace thru strength stand) President Reagan shared our “Delaration of Independence” with Gorbachev at our White House whereupon never seeing it before was astounded….Commies are only allowed propaganda.
      I went to Reagan’s funeral + Gorbechev himself had come personally to pay respect in DC to our beloved Ronald Reagan.

  3. Law Enforcement, at all levels, needs to re-double its efforts in identifying those responsible for black-market and under-the-table gun sales. If attempts to do so are successful, it will drastically reduce the number of guns in the hands of the bad guys. The actions of the politicians are simply knee-jerk reactions that only affect those of us who peaceably own and carry, the good guys.

    • You under estimate just how easy it is to manufacture a firearm. Anyone with the ability to operate machine tools can manufacture a firearm in a day.

      It takes even less time to make a “Zip gun.”

  4. If you want more gun control, in my opinion then you arm every responsible adult and give them professional training (free of charge) of course, then have them recertify each year to be able to keep their weapon. If anyone thinks for even one second that taking everyone’s guns away will work then they would be the biggest IDIOT in the world, because the only civilians with guns would be the criminals and now they would know you have no gun of the your own to protect yourself or others !!!! DUHHHH

  5. If that no none sense critter goes down town and gets mugged, raped, and then shot w/o a weapon and no one to help or even think of crying for him as is, then that proves what such a motley fool of thinking he has in his empty brain up there and maybe he will see what will really happen in the real world instead of his fantasy blind world of his own making and cool is not on his stool!!

  6. No excuse for down right stupidity.

    The lack of knowledge or getting paid to change the laws to benefit who exactly?

    Take the guns out of who’s hands and place them into who’s hands?

    If the Virginia government is willing to take their own guns away.

    Which I know they’re not.
    Our rights will not be infringed.

    Millions of people didn’t get shot today.

    Millions of law Biden citizens stayed safe today.

    They don’t tell you them stories in the fake news.

  7. got a suggestion for you ralph and bloomberg shows us! ban all of your security force to give an example no meed of protection rights for average americans and by the way i did not vote for your stupid agenda sounds like you think your opinion is the only one that is valid. your a stupid carpetbagger get you ass up north where you belong!!!!!
    all you liberals check act blue and see where they get there money from communist socialist agenda

  8. If Gov Northam would look at the criminals rather than the law abiding citizens, it seems like he wants to take legal guns and the criminals will keep their guns, then VA crime rate will increase. Everytime we get a tax break, the democrats that wants to increase taxes, like the interstate 81 the state has increased gas tax to pay for a highway that I don’t drive on due to being unsafe. VA LAW MAKERS are unreal. I always thought I would move somewhere else when I retired, guess what I have no money. So, I’m stuck in VA. With these democrats that think they can take and take from citizens. The roads in Roanoke are just a patch here go a foot there is another patch. They would increase taxes. Not happy with democrat Gov. 1.Wants to allow full term abortions, killing babies. Then this gun control thing. I was raised in democrated home, but the democrats are so off balanced I am a republican.

    • This country started with a tax revolt. Things have been getting pretty revolting again. Every communist/socialist government started by confiscating firearms. Look what happens to the people when they can’t defend themselves from their own government! Russia, China, Cuba, Germany (nazi is short for national socialist) had different window dressings and the same results. The classic definition of insanity is repeating the same activity and expecting different results. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

  9. If Gov Northam would look at the criminals rather than the law abiding citizens, it seems like he wants to take legal guns and the criminals will keep their guns, then VA crime rate will increase. Everytime we get a tax break, the democrats that wants to increase taxes, like the interstate 81 the state has increased gas tax to pay for a highway that I don’t drive on due to being unsafe. VA LAW MAKERS are unreal. I always thought I would move somewhere else when I retired, guess what I have no money. So, I’m stuck in VA. With these democrats that think they can take and take from citizens. The roads in Roanoke are just a patch here go a foot there is another patch. They would increase taxes. Not happy with democrat Gov. 1.Wants to allow full term abortions, killing babies. Then this gun control thing. I was raised in democrat home, but the democrats are so off balanced I am a republican. VA is not for lovers!!!

  10. Our right keep and bear arms is written into our constitution. Its pretty simple. Any politician or judge that proposes any laws that infringes on that right should be swiftly be removed from their position and charged with treason, then tried in federal court and a d punished accordingly.

  11. “black market + under the table sales”…..

    Would only be guns bought by
    felons period + the stolen ones criminals purloined committing a crime to do it….they are already legally prohibited Constitutionally.

    “; the Right of the People to keep[=own]
    bear[=have on you] Arms[=weapons]

    This further description in the “Bill of Rights” extended from “natural unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” WE installed to better delineates what this means as described in OUR “Bill of Rights” to clarify what will be acceptable and what will not as clearly stated.
    ie = clearly the Constitution has no place for federal to regulate a
    “the Right of the people to keep + bear Arms = this includes States – counties + towns – municipalities beyond a “Convicted Felon” who forfeits certain delineated Rights[to have arms or vote].

    There is NO Constitutionally legal government at any level or place to infringe on Life, Liberty pursuit of Happiness NOR * any * of the 10 “Bill of Rights”= specifically put down as notification in glaring clarity.

    To do so absolutely is Tyranny-!!!

  12. You left out Australia, they are now awashed with more full auto weapons than were on the streets before their ban..

  13. Get off the UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN BAN! WHAT PART OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT DONT YOU DUMB AZZ DEMONCRATS UNERSTAND SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON…….! SO TO ALL YOU CRIMINAL DEMONCRATS that can’t own a firearm due to you are all probably convicted felons and can’t own one leave ours alone as we are law abiding citizens. So take your UNCONDITIONAL B.S AND SICK IT WHERE THE SUN DONT SHINE. And one more thing to note the Second Amendment was put into place just for We The People can protect are selves from a corrupt and tyrannical government. Such as we have today so all we can say is back off and leave us law abiding citizens alone. That is all we want. We have guns also to put food on the table. So trying to take our guns is like telling us you can’t eat. That is B.S.

  14. If your against the Second Amendment Governor Ralph Northam , your nothing but a COMMUNIST.

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